How do you solve a problem like North Korea?

527181_505259766187885_1878671869_nI feel it is my obligation to write something about the current tensions between North and South Korea.

So, how do you solve a problem like North Korea? I feel the need to channel my inner Mother Superior from the Sound of Music and belt this out to the tune of How do you solve a problem like Maria? A lot of similarities across the lyrics I think!

On a serious note there is very clearly a heightened sense of discussion and rhetoric at present. To say that it is all fine and nothing is happening would be incorrect but to take it to the extend that some Australian media are reporting it is at the complete other end of the scale.

The Australian Defence Minister, Stephen Smith said the other day “In the normal course of events, we would do contingency planning for how we would deal with any Australian citizens who are caught up in any concern on the Korean Peninsula.” Of course this makes perfect sense.

12371_629164490442315_2111809092_nHow this turned into a headline of: Evacuation plans for 7000 Australians living in South Korea as North prepares for nuclear strike against US is beyond me. All this does is make everyone at home very nervous – particularly when they have loved here.

The key thing to note is that the travel advisory from DFAT for South Korea has not been changed. I would offer a timely reminder though that any Australian’s overseas should make sure their details are registered with Smart Traveller. Yes mum I have done ours.

While it may sound that I am adopting the South Korean attitude and being a bit blaze I will be honest in sharing that the whole situation has heightened my sensitivities; I am reading a lot to keep abreast of the situation and ensuring balance for my own benefit is applied.

My only concern is at what point will the talk stop. You can only escalate so far without actually doing something. Hopefully this doesn’t eventuate and it will all settle down soon.  For what it is worth, my personal view is that we are probably in for this talk for a few more weeks yet.

How do you solve a problem like North Korea?
How do you catch a dictator and pin him down?
How do you find a word to describe North Korea?
A flibbertijibbet! A mushroom! A fool!

Many a thing you know you’d like to tell them
Many a thing they ought to understand
But how can you help them hear?
And listen to all you say

Oh, how do you solve a problem like North Korea?
How do you keep a rogue country in control?

How do you find a word to describe North Korea?
A flibbertijibbet! A mushroom! A fool!


2 thoughts on “How do you solve a problem like North Korea?

  1. Enjoyed you piece today – can almost hear you singing! I have you, Miss C and Mr B in my thoughts. Hope you remain safe.

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