Day 97 – Subway success

So it has taken me a little longer than expected but I finally ventured onto the Korean subway system today. I had to take the car in for a service which in normal circumstances is a pretty easy thing to do.

Once the satellite navigation kicked in I was in a much better position but not before a detour via the river parks though! (On the upside I found the parks!).

Along the way a few of the turns and intersection provided quite sporting driving. Actually every time I drive here I think of my wonderful friend at home who would love driving here – defensive and fast all day every day!

At one intersection in particular I was required to negotiate between concrete poles to turn into a major street. Not so bad except that the pole now blocked my view to the left to be able to enter the road and the motorbike parked on the right corner didn’t help either! I would have taken photos but my survival was more important.

After arriving at the service centre and a couple of “phone a friend” for assistance calls the car is getting serviced – what is actually going to be done to it I am not a hundred percent sure but if the lights on the dash stop flashing messages at me I guess they did their job. My biggest fear today is that the bill will be more expensive than the car cost us…

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Not a piece of rubbish or any graffiti in sight.

It was now time to find the subway and head home, the story gets quite boring from here. In comparison to Sydney or Melbourne trains the biggest difference is the cleanliness. The carriages are spotless.

In addition the voiceover telling what stop is next is in English and the signage is excellent – made this new adventure a good one. I should also mention that it appears there is little trouble with train cancellations or delays!

In the spirit of full disclosure I need to say that I did have Mr B with me most of the way so a security blanket did help this process.

My plan though is to head back alone via subway to collect the car this afternoon. Wish me luck!

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