How low/high can you go?

The new Government in South Korea is settling in. In good news for President Park her Cabinet has finally been endorsed. Excellent, some governing and hard-hitting legislation action can now begin.

I was both curious and interested though by her choice for the first set of changes. As of 21 March a decree penalising “overexposure” will come into effect. The consequence? Those caught over exposing themselves could face a fine of 50,000 WON. There is also a new one for stalkers which will see them fined around 80,000 WON.

The overexposure taboo was an aspect of Korea culture I was alerted to reasonably early on. Interestingly I was given this information at the Australia Day function as Jessica Mauboy entertained the crowd in a very low-cut dress. Between you and me, the “gentlemen” in the crowd didn’t seem to mind!

So while Jessica was fortunate enough to be here before this new decree the local ladies will be in for an interesting time, particularly all those K-Pop singers who sometimes mistake a shirt for a skirt! From my observations it would appear that your skirt can be as high as you like but your top should be covered… well until now!

The decree defines overexposure as “showing too much skin while in public places or causing embarrassment or displeasure by revealing body parts that should be kept hidden”. This warrants good cartoon, pity I can’t draw!

There is an interesting link with this “overexposure” decree and President Park’s father. President Park Chung-hee banned women from wearing miniskirts that reached less than 10cm above the knee. Right now I am transported back to my Catholic high school…

I will watch with interest what other aspects of her governing President Park’s late father will have an influence on.

While on one hand the cynic in me thinks the overexposure decree will be the evenings equivalent of red light cameras and revenue raising, the other part of me is concerned that the fine for stalking is a joke at the other end of the scale. Not really a deterrent at 80,000 WON. We will see.

I wonder what will be next on the agenda?