Antiques – trash or treasure?

Traditional wooden rice box.

Traditional wooden rice box.

About an hours drive from Seoul in Suwon, squirreled away past rice fields and through winding narrow streets, is Mae Wha Antiques.

Unassuming from the outside and looking just like a big storage shed it is as you walk through the doors that your eyes nearly pop out of your head. You are immediately greeted by floor to ceiling of the widest range of wood furniture, including a variety of chests in every shape and size, ornaments, tables and chairs.

I was a bit sceptical in the beginning and not sure if it would be filled with trashy items or full of treasures. I should have know better as the ladies that brought me here know where to shop, treasures it was to be!

IMG_3836It was overwhelming at first. I found myself mindlessly wandering from room to room (well from one nook and cranny to the next) unable to really focus on any particularly items. I walked around the building three or four times looking at everything and nothing all at the same time. At this point I thought I would not find anything that interested me on this trip and slowed down. This was the key.

I started to navigate the room with intent. There was a fabulous butchers block which would have worked great in our kitchen here but back home nowhere to use it. A desk/chair combination handcrafted with a beautiful design which when the chair was pushed in it sat flush against the table and made it look like a hall table, nearly bought this one.

I then spotted this vase. After dusting it off a bit and pulling it out from the corner to get a better look I decided this was worth a discussion with Mr Kim on price. I was to wait for this discussion as one of ladies decided to take me beyond the curtain. It was here, behind the scenes and out near the workshop, that I finally found the perfect piece for Mr B’s birthday.


North Korean Blanket Box

Barely able to see through the darken room and hidden beneath a layer of dust was a piece that caught my eye instantly. Using my phone to provide some light I was able to get a better look. It looked like a smaller version of the large North Korean chests I had seen in the front rooms but I needed Mr Kim to confirm.

Mr Kim, the owner, is well versed in all his pieces and was surprised when I asked him to come and tell me more about a piece and I took him out the back. The wry smile on his face told me I had found a good one. After confirming the origin of the piece and its age it was definitely a keeper.

After some reasoned bartering with Mr Kim I decided on the vase, blanket box and wooden rice container. Some work was required on the blanket box, ie cleaning it, adding a latch and sourcing a traditional fish lock. Mr Kim assured me it would be ready for delivery by Mr B’s birthday. True to his word the goods arrived last night via complimentary delivery from Mr Kim.

On arrival I was pleased to say I was still very happy with my purchases. As an early day was required this morning for Mr B he received his birthday gifts last night – plus I couldn’t really hide the box! Thankfully surprise and pleasure was the response.

For those considering visiting Ma Wha Antiques I offer the following tips. At this time of year it is so cold in the shop. By the end of the visit I could not feel my feet. The seasoned visitors made regularly trips back to the heater to thaw out before continuing their search. I now know for next time, as do you.


The opened Blanket Box

I am reliably informed that Mr Kim gets “new” stock in every four to six weeks and a trip out to see him regularly will not leave you disappointed. Also, if you have a group of six or more, Mr Kim will happily come and collect you from Seoul in his mini van. Any visitors coming our way, this shop is on the list!

2 thoughts on “Antiques – trash or treasure?

  1. Firstly We want to wish a very happy birthday to Mr B. We guess he will be celebrating Korean style this year !!! Hoping he has a great day. We are very impressed with your purchases, especially the blanket box. Love and best wishes, Anne & Gerry

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